This morning the kids and I drove out to Russ Forest to walk the trails. I had planned on going for a bike ride, but Gabe's tire was flat. We even brought the dog, who smiled the whole time, pulling at her leash and whipping her happy tail back and forth. I brought out my camera, lined everybody up on a log next to the dog, and pushed the button. Too bad I forgot to put the memory card in. Drat! It would've been a good one, too. The trail we chose took about 45 minutes to walk from start to finish, and about halfway through it, Seth began to doubt my leadership. He said, "We need a map!" He produced his little, pale blue New Testament from his pocket--I didn't even know he brought it--flipped it open and studied it for a few long moments. Then he snapped it close and shoved it back into his pocket. "Yep. We need to go this way!" he said, marching on with confidence. I immediately thought of this verse: Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet a...