Two moves. One older-child adoption. One deployment. One year homeschooling five children. Maybe I really did fall off the earth. I'm trying desperately to claw my way back on. I want to be back here. I think I'm ready. The last time I left you, we were just a couple of weeks from traveling to bring home Rosy. Some of you are connected with me either in real life or social media, so you weren't exactly left hanging, but for any new readers, she is home. On June 17th, we just celebrated our One Year Gotcha Day anniversary. Rosy signing papers and making her daughtership official. (Momma signed some papers, too. Lots and lots of papers.) Lily was the most amazing travel companion and the perfect big sister. A year later, this fearless kid loves life and shines like the sun in the sky. Princess in search of candy. She didn't have to look far. God was so tender and merciful to us throughout the adjustment of a new family dynamic, which include...