Returning...and a HUGE announcement!

I sure am struggling trying to come up with a good way to re-start this creaky blog. It's like trying to make a phone call you promised to make weeks ago and you really have no good excuse why you didn't just pick up the dang phone and call.

I have not good excuses. So I took a big blog break.

And now I'm back. 

That is all.

Shew. There!

But, boy do I have a good reason for wanting to start writing again! Good news is no fun if you have to keep it to yourself, especially if that good news is also the start of a life-changing adventure.

God sure is full of surprises!

Sometimes, God's surprises are the best. (Sometimes they take us through the hardest thing we can possibly imagine, but that's another post.) But this is a good one. A very good one.

We are the adoption sort of way!!!

Introducing the newest apple of our eyes:

China is kind of picky about pictures of their kids floating around the web, so until the adoption is closer to being finalized,  little XY will have to be in disguise. Can't hide that thousand watt smile though! Oh, we just love her so much! She is 6 right now, and she will make the perfect little sister to our crew of very excited kids! We can't wait to love on her and show her how beautiful and wonderfully made she is. We're still working on an American name. Such fun! For now I'll just have to refer to her by her Chinese initials, XY. We like nicknames around here anyway. 

Caleb--CB, Benjamin. Gabriel--Gabe, Gabey, Gabey-baby. Lily--Lala, Lulu, Lucy, Lily Lu, ChangChang (her Chinese name.) Seth--Sethie morphed to Sethie Wu then to WuWu. Cute and fun!

None of us is born perfect, and this is true for her as well. She has a severe skin condition that will need lots of TLC, but we are up to the challenge. It's such a visible special need, which is why I'm choosing to address it head-on here. There's still a lot we have to learn about her care, but we do know her skin condition has kept adoptive families from stepping forward. She's been waiting for a family for way too long! We have had our moments of feeling a bit intimidated, if I'm being honest. Then I just look at that smile. And I know, I really, really know, that she is so worth everything that it will take to get her, bring her home and care for her. 

I wish we had all we needed financially to bring her home, but that is just not the case. We have already received one grant towards some of her agency fees. (Thank-you, God!) We still have a ways to go. Our total cost for this adoption will be around $20,000. 

One way you could help: please pray for us and for XY. We have seen God's mighty hand move mountains to bring an orphaned child home to a willing and loving family. Case in point: Lily. God works through the prayers of His people. We need your prayers!

Also, I have purchased a 250-piece picture puzzle of XY. Would you consider sponsoring a piece of the puzzle? We will put your name on the back of each piece and when she is home, she will know how many people have loved her and helped her to come home to a family all her own. Only $20 for each piece, and every penny will go towards XY's adoption. Every little bit helps!

Thank-you so much for sharing in our journey and most importantly, XY's journey. We have known from the very beginning that this adoption really is not about us at all, but all about God bringing a family to a lonely, orphaned girl. 

If you feel so inclined to donate, please just click on the little "Donate" button there at the top of this page, and let Paypal do it's thing.

And thank-you so much!!

Momma to FIVE!


Sarah DeSalvo said…
Wow, SO exciting for you guys!!!
Anonymous said…
This is such great news! What is the timeline for bringing her home?
alphabet momma said…
Yay on the announcement!! Now I feel free to share away!

And yay for your blog return! Welcome back. I know you have a camera card full of pictures to share.

Can't wait to meet my new niece!

Love you!
Stacey said…
Congratulations!!! I would love to buy a piece of her puzzle. Do you have a chip-in button or something?
Stacey said…
Never mind...I see the donation button on the side bar. I wish I could do more to help bring her home. I'm excited for you and your family!
Heather said…
How exciting for you and this precious Princess of our King! She has no idea what joy is coming her way - a very blessed little Girl! Congratulations and we will pray and move as the Lord leads!
Unknown said…
Praying for XY and her wonderful new family that I love so very much.


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