Green Challenge!

So the kids were busy on their own with school assignments.

He says he thinks better when he's comfy.

Notice the tissue box. We all have colds. But nobody gets to call in sick. The principal at our school is such a hard nose.

This one was slated to do his math, but he did it on his own before I even asked. I chalked it up to being bored because everyone else was working so hard.

I know the lighting in this picture isn't great, but I just loved that she was doing her math with our human body parts guy hanging out in the background. She looks like she is in med school. Maybe pre-med.

So then I had a few free moments. A rarity. And I wanted to play with my camera. And then I remembered a couple of years ago when my best friend Jeny offered a color challenge on her blog, and I thought that I would steal borrow her great idea here on LampPost.

Won't you accept my color challenge? This week's color: GREEN. The rules? Just these: go around your house and capture a few photos of some of your favorite things that match the color of the week. Post them, along with any accompanying stories on your own blog or Facebook or Flickr account or wherever. Then come back here and leave a comment with a link to share with us.

My plan is to have a new color challenge every Friday, until I run out of colors...or come up with a new game!

Go green!
Sadly, this hardy bamboo plant is the only live plant inside my house. Happily, I've kept it alive for over a year!

This silk embroidery is one of my favorite decorations. It's called "100 Happy Children" and we purchased it in China. You know, I've never stopped to actually tally up the children sewn there to see if there really are 100. Maybe I'll give that job to Seth or Lily as a math assignment.

This bit of green, brand-new, tender, baby green means one thing: spring. 

Here is what you will find hanging on the back of our bathroom door: Rob's green flight suit and jacket. This is his favorite of all his Navy uniforms. It's one benefit of his job as a chaplain for a Naval Air Station. It's like getting out of bed and zipping up a pair of pj's for work. I love them because they require absolutely no ironing.

Lily's tea set from China. Gorgeous, I think.

Rob's sister Stacey is an afghan artist. Not to be confused with an Afghani artist. I mean, that girl can crochet like nobody's business. She made this gorgeous lap blanket for a white elephant gift exchange. And I was the lucky white elephant that received this gift. I will always have a home where that shade of green is a perfect complement. I'm earthy like that.

Sorry for the crazy camera angle, but this wall of art is in the kids' hallway, and  it's impossible to get a straight-on shot.
So, I took the kids to the beach for inspiration, gave them each a canvas and some acrylic paints, and look what they made! I love these paintings! The green one was created by Lily.

This desk/cabinet is one of my favorite garage sale finds of all time. The color was already exactly what I would have picked out, and  I loved the creamy-colored ceramic knobs. It's practical and full of personality. It makes me happy. And it was only $10.

And above the green cabinet is my favorite piece of art, a quilt wall-hanging that my Grandma Miller hand-sewed, flanked by sepia photos of my kiddos. One Christmas, Grandma made all the granddaughters one of these quilts. I LOVE it, as much as it is healthy for one to love something that is not living. She picked the perfect colors for me, and for that--among a myriad reasons--I love her. (For the record, green isn't actually my favorite color; blue is. But I much prefer to decorate with green.)

Any green happenin' in your space? Care to share?


Stacey said…
I found a lot of green in my house:) I posted on my blog too:
Christine said…
I loved when Jeny posted these challeges! SO I'm thinking about taking up this challenge. Let's see if it really happens! BTW - I like your blog's new home!
alphabet momma said…
I like the school pics of the kids! It looks like each one has a different learning style just by the way they are studying. Stacey is a rockin afghan artist! That is beautiful! I like your wall hanging from Grandma best...very pretty. I really wanted to do the green challenge but as I look around green isn't a common color here. No green in the trees, no green on the yard, no green in my pockets. SO....I will someday do this challenge....

Looking forward to seeing more pictures!!

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