Berry Delicious

Have I shared with you Caleb's obsession with berries? It doesn't matter what kind, as long as he can gather and eat them himself whenever he wants to. I imagine that his dream life right now would be to live in a tent surrounded by berry bushes. Of course, the tent would have to house a television serving cartoon network and a computer offering high speed internet and some drawing paper. A pool out front would be nice, too. Yeah, it's a simple life.

We have a couple of mulberry trees and quite a few blackberry bushes around our property. The birds and Caleb never leave me enough to preserve, but the joy and pleasure Caleb receives from gathering his own sun-warmed, God-provided snack far outweigh the delight a single berry pie would bring.

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food" (Genesis 1:29.)

I looked out the door one day and saw Caleb's bike parked in front of a mulberry tree. Where could he be? If you look very closely, you can see his profile amidst the tree leaves...

Yep, there he is. And he'll stay in this tree for hours at a time...

The purple aftermath...


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